Here is one of my contacts for additional food storage items: Mark Richardson 208-524-1558 or 208-524-7475. There are a lot of options here. There are usually 3-5 things on the monthly special through Mark Richardson. You do have to add tax & shipping is only .25/#10 can (if you can pick it up here in Idaho Falls). If you don't live locally, give him a call and see what you can work out with him.
Another fabulous resource for those of you living outside the State of Utah is Emergency Essentials! Go to www.beprepared.com and sign up for their monthly catalog, sign up to be a "group leader". If you have friends/family/church/work groups interested in food storage you can get great savings on the "group buys" they offer. Often times and order of 6 of the same items will get you the group rate, so it can be done with a small group too! Best part is you get it tax free & NO SHIPPING!! I've been doing the catalog order the past few months and it's wonderful!! Such a huge variety of things for not only food storage for emergency preparedness too!
There are A LOT of food storage options available in so many areas (granted UT & ID are spoiled a bit, UT especially!), so keep your eyes open and get on the internet and get catalogs/newsletters for preparedness sites, you'll be surprised how much you can learn to do on your own too!

There are A LOT of food storage options available in so many areas (granted UT & ID are spoiled a bit, UT especially!), so keep your eyes open and get on the internet and get catalogs/newsletters for preparedness sites, you'll be surprised how much you can learn to do on your own too!
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