I was just analyzing my food storage. Wondering what I needed to stock up on again for a few months. Somehow, December was a good month and I put away quite a bit more food than I thought I would. I got my fats - shortening, oils, and cooking sprays - built up again. The stock isn't huge, I don't want them to go rancid, but I've got enough to last me until spring at least. That is a good feeling.
It is a great time to take inventory and assess what you need at this time in anticipation of a New Year.
What sorts of things are you succeeding at and what things do you need to focus on?
I need some dry powdered milk in my storage. (Just in case I find a good recipe that calls for powdered milk. I don't think I could ever drink the stuff straight.)
Happy New Year!!
And I just joined Twitter - feel free to follow me. (Click on the link in the top right corner.)